Crypto Kit OTO

Crypto Kit OTO: All Crypto Kit OTO Links Here. There are 4 OTOs and 1 Front End. The 1st Crypto Kit OTO is Bundle Deal, the 2nd is Unleashed, the 3rd OTO is Traffic, the 4th OTO is Agency.

Crypto Kit Whitelabel App OTO UPSELL

All Four Crypto Kit OTO Links Below

OTOs Don’t Work If You Don’t Have Front End,
Can Get Any 1 or More OTOs Directly From Below If Already Got Front End!

Front End:

=>> Crypto Kit

OTO 1 – Bundle Deal:

=>> Crypto Kit OTO 1

OTO 2 – Unleashed:

=>> Crypto Kit OTO 2

OTO 3 – Traffic:

=>> Crypto Kit OTO 3

OTO 4 – Agency:

=>> Crypto Kit OTO 4

Front End Review & Demo

Crypto Kit OTO – What Is Crypto Kit?

Crypto Kit Is A Cloud Hosted, Brandable Crypto Currency Decentralized Exchanged, Or DEX For Short.

Crypto Kit is a cloud hosted, brandable Crypto currency decentralized exchanged, or DEX for short. Allowing people to connect their crypto wallets, or create one on your website and buy, sell and trade crypto currencies – earning you passive, automated fees from every transaction. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg for earning potential. Their Crypto Kit website offers visitors a chance to earn crypto, claiming rewards on your site every 15 mins by default.

On our test site we give away up to 50 Satoshi coin as the reward which might sound exciting and will add up for them, but right now 50 Satoshi will cost you about 1 or 2 cents, while the ads you’ve just displayed to them pay out in about 50 cents to $1 of Bitcoin straight the Crypto Kit website owner. Profits from ad displays can be claimed in Bitcoin in the Crypto Kit website owners dashboard directly to their wallet.

There are lotto and flip a coin games, earning admin more profits as well as a viral referral program available for your website members, rewarding them 10% of whatever their referred friends earn as bonus – costing you next to nothing and boosting your profits like crazy. This is first to market, right at the perfect time to be loading wallets with crypto – without any risk or any need to invest or buy, trade and freak out about the crypto market. It couldn’t be better!

Crypto Kit OTO – Features:

Brandable Whitelabel Crypto Software
Add Logo & Activate Your Monetized Crypto App
Done-For-You Instant Activation & Setup
Inbuilt Crypto Wallet Creator (On Your Site)
Pre Installed Fully Functional DEX
Decentralized Exchange Earns Admin Service Fees
Gamified Reward System Drops Regular Tokens
Automated Coin Flip & Lottery Monetization Systems
Nothing To Install, Mac, PC & Mobile Friendly
Admin & Membership App Is Cloud Hosted
Claim Payments Direct To Your Own Crypto Wallet
BONUS TRAFFIC #1: Viral Traffic Affiliate Program Activated viral affiliate program giving your members an additional bonus for sharing your crypto kit website with their friends.
BONUS TRAFFIC #2: Auto Blog With Viral Incentivized Sharing Preinstalled blog, automated content and our curated list of copy/paste crypto blogs to give your members lots of reasons to share (and get rewarded!)

Crypto Kit OTO – With CryptoKit You’ll Get Multiple Automated Crypto Systems:

Beginner Friendly Activation:
Our average person, completely new to the system, has their entire crypto site set up, branded and profit ready in about 1 minute. There’s no editing code, no designing pages, no tricky configurations. Everything is done in your easy to use members dashboard.

Brandable Crypto Software:
Make your website have the look and feel you want by customizing the colours, changing the text and uploading your own logo. It’s got the professional feel of a high end website to build trust and authority right out of the box.

Crypto Wallet Creator:
Visitors arriving on your website will be prompted to connect their crypto wallet or if they don’t have one they can create a wallet on your website, making this easy even for people who’ve never heard about crypto before. It’s safe, secure and completely anonymous – so anyone can get their start on your website in a snap.

DEX Trading Platform:
Your website lets people to use their credit cards to buy Bitcoin, or Ethereum, Solana or any other crypto currency in the system. They can trade between currencies or send and receive tokens to customers or friends. You’ll receive an admin transaction fee for every transaction, added directly into your wallet.

Gamified Rewards System:
Members of your website are offered the chance to claim regular crypto rewards, for just clicking a few buttons. In our first demo Crypto Kit website we offered up to 50 Satoshi coins every 15 minutes. To claim their coins they click here to start (showing your first ad), then they’ll see your second ad and solve the captcha, then on this page they’ll see your third ad displayed and how much they’ve won. What your member doesn’t realize is that while you’re paying them 50 Satoshi, which sounds exciting and can definitely add up… it only costs you about 1 or 2 cents. The ads you just displayed earned you between 0.00002 and 0.00005 of Bitcoin, which might not sound like much but right now that works out to about 50 cents to $1 worth of Bitcoin.

Additional Games:
Engaging Lottery Game. Members can buy tickets and win prizes on your website. Of course, as with any other lottery there will be winners, but the biggest winner will be YOU, the creator. Addictive Coin Flip Game. Members can choose their stake and flip a coin. If they win, the prize is added to their wallet minus a small admin transaction fee, if they lose their stake is added to yours. Each time they play, your ads are also displayed – boosting your advertising earnings even further!

Tracking & Custom Scripts:
Tracking and customising your Crypto Kit traffic is easy. Simply add your Google Analytics ID or your Facebook Pixel and it’s ready to go. Or if you want to try some advanced strategies, or have a different script you’d like to use, just paste into your admin dashboard and your entire website is instantly active with your custom scripts.

Social Media Growth:
Add links to your Discord Channel, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Youtube links to your Crypto Kit website is easy helping you grow your audiences as you grow your crypto balances too!

BONUS: Affiliate Traffic System:
Your Crypto Kit website comes with an automatically enabled affiliate traffic system. Your members are given an affiliate link to share, that will automatically reward them with 10% of whatever their friends earn on your site. They’ll excitedly see their balance grow earning them passive Satoshi coins, while your website gets busier with more people clicking ads, playing games and earning you more Bitcoin.

BONUS: Automated Blog:
Your Crypto Kit comes with an inbuilt content generating blog. Simply add up to five RSS feeds and your blog will be automatically updated whenever those RSS feeds have new content to share. This gives your blog a lot of fresh activity completely handsfree! ADDITIONAL BONUS: You can also offer crypto token rewards to your members for reading AND SHARING any articles from your blog! Talk about a HUGE traffic bump!

Here’s What Your Member Experiences On Your Website:

When someone arrives on your website they’ll be asked to connect their wallet, or create one on your website. This happens automatically, no tech setup required.
Earn Rewards:
They’ll be able to buy/sell/trade crypto AND claim crypto tokens as a reward every 15 minutes instantly displayed in their members dashboard. You choose the coin and the percentage to reward them.
Share & Earn:
They can claim rewards every 15 minutes plus invite their friends earning them a 10% bonus of whatever their friends earn. This boosts their rewards (and also YOUR ad display profits!).

Here’s What YOU Receive Every Single Time Your Member Claims A Reward:

Earn Fees:
You’ll get an admin fee every time someone buys crypto (with their credit cards), trades between various currencies or sends from their wallet – sent directly to your own crypto wallet.
Arbitrage Rewards:
Your member will see three (or more) ads earning you anywhere between 0.00002 and 0.00005 Bitcoin. You set the percentage to give your member and how much you want to keep. Eg. giving 20% profits for every ad they view will pocket 4 times as much.
Take The Profit:
You’ll be instantly rewarded seeing your balance grow in your admin dashboard. You can connect your wallet and withdraw it in USDT or display ads directly and get paid Bitcoin direct to your wallet. You choose!

Crypto Kit OTO – What Will You Do With Your Bitcoin?

Members Can Send A Payout Request Managed In Your Dashboard To Claim Their Tokens, So When You Get Paid You Need To Release Part Of That Payment To Your Member (We’ll Show You How). It Takes About 5 Minutes Once A Week To Process, Clicking A Few Buttons.
Spend It: Use your Bitcoin at AT&T, Whole Foods or any one of thousands of other businesses that accept it.
Trade It: Grow your portfolio by trading different currencies minus the out of pocket investment risk.
Invest It: Save your Bitcoin and just let it grow … who knows where it will be in a year, two, five and beyond!

Crypto Kit OTO – Get Two Very Time Limited Launch-Only Bonuses:

ADD ON #1: Viral Affiliate Traffic – BONUS: Viral Affiliate Traffic Add On
To give your Crypto Kit website a big push in the traffic department, we’re also e quipping it with an automatically enabled affiliate traffic system. Your members are offered an affiliate link to share that will automatically reward them with 10% of whatever their friends earn on your site. They’ll excitedly see their balance grow earning them passive crypto coins, while your website gets busier with more people clicking ads, playing games and earning you much more. There’s nothing to set up or configure, it’s ready to go and start snowballing your membership base right out the gate.

ADD ON #2: Automated Blog & Inbuilt Incentivized Traffic – BONUS: Automated Blog Content For Hands Free Traffic. We’ll Also Include A Preconfigured Content Generating Blog.
Simply add up to five RSS feeds and your blog will be automatically updated whenever those RSS feeds have new content to share. This gives your blog a lot of fresh activity completely handsfree! It’s as simple as copy and pasting a link and your blog will start pulling in new content. BETTER YET! We will enable a function allowing you to reward your members with automated (cheap) tokens for viewing and sharing your articles. Each share will cost you about 1-2 cents, they can claim every 24hrs .. Talk about cheap traffic! PLUS: We’ll give you a complete up-to-date list of RSS feed links you can pick and choose from over 100 of the most popular blogs online in a multitude of categories around crypto currency so you can pick and choose from our lists, or add your own links and start fuelling your traffic grabbing automated content on your Crypto Kit add-on blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Truth Is Cindy…I Skipped Right To The End. Can You Sum Up Crypto Kit Gor Me In Just A Few Words?
No problem. Just imagine having someone build a software for you that everyone in crypto marketing wants, needs and uses on a daily basis that you can whack your logo on, connect your wallet and start taking automated admin fees and incentivised ad payments.

Hold On. Incentivized Ads? Is This Even Legal?
As crazy as it sounds, right now it really is like the wild wild west out there when it comes to crypto currencies. Over the coming years we will likely see some more regulation as it takes growing steps into the mainstream (we’ve already seen some of that, where the gov see’s profits – they’ll try to claim their piece of the pie). The beauty of this is, even though crypto is a reasonably established technology – you are still early when it comes to setting yourself up for future benefits. There are no restrictions on incentivizing actions from your visitors, in fact – many advertisers love it and some even reward you more for doing so…! Now is very much the time to act.

Ok, I Get It Now. So, Is This REALLY Beginner Friendly? It Sounds Pretty Techie…!
When you start talking blockchain, crypto and all those jargon words it can sound pretty intimidating that’s for sure. BUT… rest assured, whatever your experience level you can absolutely make this work for you. Our tech team are a bunch of tech nerds so you don’t have to be. All you need to do is choose the name you want for your Crypto Kit site, change the colours if you want and 90% of the good stuff is ready to go. There is a little bit of ‘cherry on the top’ type pieces but they’re optional. The rest is ready for you, nothing technical to install, configure or mess around with in any way.

Cindy, I Hope You Don’t Take This The Wrong Way…But What’s Your Background?
Don’t be silly. It’s an important question. We’ll… I’ve been a full time online marketer for over 15 years after getting started by ‘accident’. I created a website in my forced downtime while undergoing chemotherapy for some particularly aggressive cancer. I knew nothing about online business, or business at all… haha! It’s been an amazing journey and I’m so excited to be here, cancer free for over 13 years and owning a successful lifestyle business I never dreamed possible. I’m now truly passionate about doing what I can to see YOU experience the freedom this kind of business can bring!

Will This Make Me A Squillionaire Next Week…?
While we’d love to imagine every one of our members cruisin around in their brand new lambo, the fact is … as with every business venture there’s no certainty around how this will work for YOU specifically. We can’t control the price of Bitcoin (sheesh, if only!), so while we’ve created a system to help you earn as easily as our tech has allowed, the potential profits really are up to the market which, historically has increased over time … but is very well known for extreme fluctuations and volatility. The good news is that we’ve done our best to remove as much risk as possible. You do NOT need to spend ANY of your money buying Crypto in order for you to make this work, so you can use our software to build up a balance of tokens without the risk normally associated with crypto marketing and many other things you may have tried in the past.

I Really Want To Give Crypto Kit A Try. Is There A Guarantee?
ABSOLUTELY! Listen, I think this is the BEST and freshest system to hit the crypto space bar none. There is simply nothing even out there that even comes close to what this does not only tech-wise, but for ease of use and sheer simplicity. But of course, I’m biased. That’s why I want to give you a chance to remove all doubt and instead of locking yourself into something “forever”, I invite you to just try it out instead. When You Join Our Happy Crypto Kit family now, and if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results in 30 days, simply contact our support team and we’ll refund your money. No Questions asked, No hard feelings, No Kidding! You can even keep all the Bitcoin you’ve earned in that whole 30 days. See? That’s how confident I am you’ll love it.

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